Old but Beautiful
This photo was taken for my school's homework assignment. We were tasked with creating a rainbow using dispersion and take a photo of it in an artistic way. I initially played around with casting it on different surfaces, but when I upped the strength of the flashlight and shined it on one of the film cameras I have in my collection, it looked really nice, so I took the photo. After a bit of editing, I believe it turned out rather well!

London or Vilnius?
This photo was taken in Vilnius, in the old town. I saw the telephone booth and found it interesting. While editing, my mom suggested that I should make only the box red, which I spent quite some time on, and I think the result turned out rather well!

Childlike Joy
This photo was taken while I was researching photography styles for my personal project. I took my bike to the old town and just asked some people if they would be okay with me taking photos of them. The boy's family was the first group of people I asked about and they allowed me to, the boy wasn't aware of it so he continued doing his thing and I took some photos. It turned out quite good and the people liked the photos! The face is blurred to protect the privacy of the boy, I was not asked to do this.

The Sun Sets on a Beautiful Church
I don't know the story behind this photo, but it was taken on the path next to my house, down below. It was, as you can see, quite late in the day and the sun was setting nicely. I simply pointed at the church and took the photo.

A Curious Owl
This photo was taken in Vilnius Owl Park, a place where people can, as the name implies, see owls. It's really interesting, there's quite a few owl variants in there and this one was the one right at the entrance. The photo turned out great despite me being far away, for which I greatly thank my telephoto zoom lens. I really like how the colours and bokeh turned out on this one.

A Simple Stick or a Long Tale?
I'll... be honest here. I have no memory regarding this photo. But I can assume! I think this was from when I was experimenting with photography and tried using a kit lens again, as it was a while since I had used it. This was during winter, mroe specifically, during the 2022 Luminar Neo extension trial, where people were allowed to test out the extensions for free. It was definitely taken during that timeframe. That's all I can remember about it, though.

A330-243 MRTT
This photo is special to me. I went out on that day to Kaunas International Airport take some photos and upon getting to the little side street that's right near the runway, I saw that I could go right up to the fence, where there was a flat shruby area. There I sat down, and there was the plane, taking off! It was glorious seeing it fly right overhead, I got some nice photos, and this is one of them. It was great fun and I really enjoyed it.

Boeing 737-8AS
I had initially gone to the Vilnius Intl airport to take photos of a Boeing 757, also known as the flying pencil, but due to Flightradar's lies, it never landed here. Instead, I got to take photos in a very unique situation. It was rather snowy that day and coincidentally when I arrived, fog started to roll in, making for one of the most unique planespotting sessions I've had ever. It was nice watching how much snow the aircraft blew up with the engines. The editing style was also an experiment that I just happened to try on this specific day, and I believe it turned out nicely!

Airbus AS365 N3 Dauphin
This one is from the 2023 S. Dariaus ir Girėno Aerodrome airshow back in July. This specific helicopter belongs to the Lithuanian Air Force and is used for Search and Rescue operations. This helicopter was VERY powerful when it lifted off, even knocking over my bike from the wind with how strong it was. I completely don't regret going that close to the taxiways and runway, it was amazing. This photo was right before that, when the helicopter just started throwing all the grass and dirt in the air.

ANBO Yak-50
The ANBO Aerobatic team is one I've had great experiences with. They're really nice people and my goal is to eventually talk to them in person, which they have offered we do, I just haven't found the time. This particular photo was taken during the 2022 July airshow here in Kaunas, these were the first photos of an airshow I ever took and I got really lucky with my location! I stood in a corner by the runway to get as close as possible, which worked out great!

ANBO Yak-50
This photo was also taken during the same airshow in the same position, but I think I prefer the cinematic aspect of this one over the previous one, I got very lucky with this photo, because it is, at least in my opinion, amazing.

Xiaomi 13T Pro
This is a photo of my current phone, the Xiaomi 13T Pro. You can read more about this phone in my review

Macro photography is a very simple to understand style of photography. The point is to take a photo of a, most commonly, small subject. Macro photography is, unfortunately, less about the theory and more about your hardware. More specifically, if it can focus in and take a photo of whatever it is you want.

Architecture photography is a style that is cheap but can get really expensive really quick. If you find yourself actually interested in this type of photography and you think your hardware is holding you back, be ready to shell out thousands on tilt shift lenses, high end cameras, tripods, and more. But if you are a beginner, like me, there’s no need to do all that. A simple wide angle and some clever software tuning will do the job quite well.
Street photography
This is a very controversial style of photography. Some see it as invasive, others see it as another style of art. If you want to practice street photography, you will want to look up the laws of your own country. I couldn’t find anything allowing it or not allowing it so I went with the safe route and simply asked my subjects beforehand. In this case, asking their parents. With street photography, you want to make it seem as if the subject has no idea you are taking a photo of them and is merely living life. Specifically, living a normal life. No special poses, no unique activities, simple life. However, it doesn’t have to show people. Some photographers, including me, believe that it is fine if a photo simply hints at the presence of usual life and people being present.

Portrait photography
Here the point is to capture a story, an emotion, or simply a person. Portrait photography, just like all photography, is confusing. You make your subject look good, until you don’t. You want to have good bokeh, until you don’t. You want to make your subject be in an interesting location, until you don’t. The only rule is that there are no rules. Even my first statement is wrong. You want to do that, until you suddenly don’t. However, generally, portrait photography is what the image is - a subject with good bokeh, nice colours, and is an aesthetically pleasing photo.

Product photography
This photography type is rather easy to understand. You take a photo of a product and attempt to show off some element of that product. For example, if a phone is water resistant, then you might want to dip it in some water or spray some waterdrops on it. If a phone has an amazing camera system, you might want to take a photo of the camera module. If a keyboard flaunts its lighting, you might want to take a photo of said lighting. It’s rather simple.

Long Exposure Photography
Long Exposure photography is a very fun kind of photography, but it requires patience. It’s in the name - LONG exposure photography - you will be standing in one spot for quite some time. Sometimes, if you want photos of light trails, in the freezing cold for quite some time. Sometimes you will need to take photo after photo after photo. In this style, you don’t NEED need a tripod or a remote shutter, but they are recommended as they will greatly improve stability and increase opportunities.

Composing photos
Composition is a very difficult thing to learn. For some it can take years before they truly master it. And I am far from that point. But I can give you some basic tips! For example, the golden ratio and the golden spiral. These are two principles of positioning. Positioning your subject in or around the points that are recommended and following the principles can help with an image’s composition. Another tip, from my own life, is to add a sense of distance. If you are taking photos of people in a crowd and you singled out one person who happens to be really happy or laughing, go down low and shoot between heads of people, thus setting the scene and allowing the people who view your photo to imagine themselves in this position and gauge the distance between the subject and the camera.

Editing photos
Editing is a very subjective form. Everyone edits differently. Even professionals don’t follow the same style. It’s very common for them to edit photos differently based on what the subject is. The main variation is in punchiness. How vibrant and saturated is the photo? Is it B&W or colourful? Another important thing is cropping, cropping is something I have to get used to doing. Cropping to level a scene (or not!), to remove useless details, to create a nicer composition, all of these are valid uses of cropping. With a DSLR, you also tend to not lose quality when cropping as much as with a phone. But generally, it is important to highlight the subject and make it stand out.
My coding projects
That's right! I also code sites. It's quite a lot of fun! Seeing nothing turn into something, especially when you do it on your own, is very satisfying. Being able to build element after element and slowly shape the site is a lot of fun. Though as you can probably tell by how badly this one is made, I'm still very much a beginner.
While there's not much to share visually, here are some of the coding projects I've completed.
Exercise calendar - A simple calendar that I made. Credit to Hyperplexed for the background animation.
Unix timestamp converter - I was fed up with every single Unix timestamp converter using AM/PM so I coded the frontend for it and got Github copilot to give me the Javascript code to make it all work. Warning: Not mobile compatible
My redesigns - This is where every site page that I've redesigned goes. Warning: None of these are mobile compatible.